To use an image as data source, just add data_type as image and pass in the path of the image (local or hosted).

We use GPT4 Vision to generate meaning of the image using a custom prompt, and then use the generated text as the data source.

You would require an OpenAI API key with access to gpt-4-vision-preview model to use this feature.

Without customization

import os
from embedchain import App

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-xxx"

app = App()
app.add("./Elon-Musk.webp", data_type="image")
response = app.query("Describe the man in the image.")
# Answer: The man in the image is dressed in formal attire, wearing a dark suit jacket and a white collared shirt. He has short hair and is standing. He appears to be gazing off to the side with a reflective expression. The background is dark with faint, warm-toned vertical lines, possibly from a lit environment behind the individual or reflections. The overall atmosphere is somewhat moody and introspective.


import os
from embedchain import App
from embedchain.loaders.image import ImageLoader

image_loader = ImageLoader(
    prompt="Is the person looking wealthy? Structure your thoughts around what you see in the image.",

app = App()
app.add("./Elon-Musk.webp", data_type="image", loader=image_loader)
response = app.query("Describe the man in the image.")
# Answer: The man in the image appears to be well-dressed in a suit and shirt, suggesting that he may be in a professional or formal setting. His composed demeanor and confident posture further indicate a sense of self-assurance. Based on these visual cues, one could infer that the man may have a certain level of economic or social status, possibly indicating wealth or professional success.